Monday, May 31, 2004

Well its a holiday, Memorial Weekend. Had a BBQ outside of my building with what few residents were left here on campus. Had lots of food, about $75 worth, only lasted an hour and a half. BBQ food makes people full real quick, and also wanted to get packing before it might rain.  Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Well I'm just trying out this bloggerbot thing that allows me to upload pictures to my blogger site. The picture that you are seeing is from my website's webcam. My room at SUNYIT Posted by Hello

Friday, May 28, 2004

Summer Job Searching - A little late I know but not my fault.

Well I was told about a week ago that I wasn't going to get paid over the summer for doing the mail, which gets me mad, now I got to find a job that is flexible and starting this late. If I don't find a job and money starts to run out then I will leave this campus earlier then planned and probably earlier then my bosses would like. Heck its not my fault that they want to tell me that I will not get paid, and they still want me to do the mail, Ha. So for now the mail is not being done on a regular consistency since I have other more important things to do. Like finding a job, and getting my thesis done and the TicTacToe program that uses Reinforcement learning concepts to run which will be used in my presentation defense of my Thesis. Anyway I will try searching for a job first on campus hoping that the following areas will also need a temp service postition also:
SUNY Institute of Technology - Financial Aid

If no place on campus will do then I will try Walmart and Bestbuy or a paid intership next.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Easy Seti CLI 3.08

So I have updated my Seti Client finally from the slow graphical version to the plain boring, but very fast command line version. I downloaded this nice batch file that installs some nice seti software like setispy and setidriver.
Easy Seti CLI 3.08
To download the file click the link below:
Easy Seti CLI 3.08

If you don't know what SETI@Home is follow this link to the main website where you can learn more.

You can check out my teams info which is basically just me and my friend Venk doing the work at:

Also view my personal seti at home info and stats at:
My seti stats

And then there was a blog.

This is the start of something new that I am thinking of adding to my website.