Not much new lately, just added some more games to my site, have fun.
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Posted by William Andrus at Wednesday, June 30, 2004 0 comments
Friday, June 25, 2004
Talked To an Ex-RA today: Rishi Mehta
Talked to Rishi today on MSN Messenger.
He moved from Utica -> Albany -> LA -> Chicago -> Knoxville
He is working at the Univ. of Tennessee @ Knoxville a a IT admin
He says he misses SUNYIT, and says Hi to Keith Johnson
Posted by William Andrus at Friday, June 25, 2004 0 comments
Center for American Progress
Home - Center for American Progress
This is probably one of the best sites I have seen that discusses political issues. They are obviously left wing, but they back up all their information with facts that you can easily checkout since they link them to the original sites. Most of them link to the white house goverment sites, New York Times, and Washington Times.
I get their week-day newsletters via email that shows a ton of information on how the pervious day, the bush administration obviously lies (constantly even I notice the lies) and gives proof of their contradictions.
Today they discussed the long battle the right-wing conseratives are having on trying to shut down Michael Moores new film.
Here it is (very long):
"Today is the nationwide premiere of Michael Moore's new movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" -- an analysis of how the president misled the country to war in Iraq and how the Bush-Saudi relationship has compromised America's national security. Even before the movie was public, the White House and its right-wing allies sought to smear both the film and Moore personally. Last month, White House communications director Dan Bartlett said the movie "was so outrageously false
it's not even worth comment," even though he had not yet seen the film. Meanwhile, the Hollywood Reporter discovered that " big-time conservative donors
jsp?vnu_content_id=1000552469) "
are funding a slew of anti-Moore activities. Following the White House's tactic of attacking critics' patriotism
, the right-wing is also apparently bankrolling a movie called "Michael Moore Hates America." But despite conservatives' best efforts to discredit the film, the NY Times notes, " central assertions of fact in 'Fahrenheit 9/11' are supported by the public record
." When the movie was aired at the Cannes Film Festival, it won top prize
from a panel made up of mostly American and British judges.
ACCURATE -- NEW REPORT SAYS SAUDI FLIGHTS OCCURRED ON 9/13: Critics have accused Moore of wrongly claiming a group of Saudis were allowed to fly out of the United States on September 13, when much of American airspace was still closed. In fact, the movie accurately reports
that 142 Saudis, including 24 members of the bin Laden family, were allowed to leave after September 13 -- a fact well documented by the 9/11 Commission
. Additionally, new reports prove that Saudi flights did occur on 9/13
, despite three years of Bush administration denials. As the St. Petersburg Times reports, on September 13,"with most of the nation's air traffic still grounded, a small jet landed at Tampa International Airport, picked up three young Saudi men and left" for Lexington, KY. The Saudis "then took another flight out of the country." Because the information is so new, it was not in the 9/11 Commission's preliminary report. Subsequently, however, the commission has asked the Tampa airport "for any information about 'a chartered flight with six people, including a Saudi prince, that flew from Tampa, Florida on or about Sept. 13, 2001.'"
ACCURATE -- BUSH WAS NOT FOCUSED ON TERRORISM: In the movie, Moore charges that President Bush did not pay enough attention to pre-9/11 warnings that al Qaeda was about to attack. Instead of focusing on terrorism, charges the movie, the president spent 42 percent of his first eight months in office on vacation. That figure "came not from a conspiracy-hungry Web site but from a calculation by The Washington Post
." Read American Progress's report
"Truth & Consequences: The Bush Administration and 9/11" for a comprehensive history of how the White House underfunded counter-terrorism and downgraded terrorism as a priority before 9/11. See American Progress's new " Complete Saudi Primer
" - a guide to everything you always wanted to know about the Bush-Saudi connection but were afraid to ask.
DISNEY'S EFFORT TO CENSOR MICHAEL MOORE: At the direction of CEO Michael Eisner (who is a Bush campaign contributor
Y&txt2002=Y&txt2000=Y&Order=N) )
, the Walt Disney Company prohibited its Miramax division from distributing "Fahrenheit 911." The company enjoys a cozy relationship with President Bush's brother, Jeb. As governor of Florida, Jeb Bush serves as a trustee for the state employees' pension fund. That fund owns approximately 7.3 million shares of Disney stock. Eisner told reporters he was refusing to distribute the film because Disney is "such a nonpartisan company, do not look for us to take sides
1,3551619.story) ."
RIGHT-WING EFFORTS TO CENSOR MICHAEL MOORE: The campaign to silence Moore was taken up by the right-wing group with the ironic name Move America Forward. The group is headed by right-winger Howard Kaloogian, who also spearheaded the partisan campaign to quash a miniseries about Ronald Reagan
and led the partisan fight to recall California Gov. Gray Davis. Kaloogian also "credits himself with helping elect President Bush because he was No. 4 of 25 elected officials who signed a letter asking him to run in January 1999." The group, without having seen the film, "launched a preemptive attack against" the movie "by requesting movie theaters across the country not to show the film."
DAVID BOSSIE'S HYPOCRISY: The conservative front group "Citizens United," which is headed by Clinton attacker David Bossie, is trying to get the Federal Election Commission to intervene and censor advertising for "Fahrenheit 9/11
". Just two years ago, however, it was Bossie who led the charge against FEC interventions. On 6/12/02, The Hill newspaper reported him saying his group feels "FEC rules and regulations are abhorrent...they restrict the American people's ability to have an influence in politics."
RATED R FOR REALITY: The Motion Picture Association of America saddled the movie with an R rating. Tom Ortenberg, president of the company releasing the film, "argued that 15- and 16-year-olds, who might end up fighting in the war
on terrorism," should be able to see the film, which shows the true cost of war - gravely wounded Iraqi citizens and U.S. troops. Much of that cost has been hidden by the Bush administration, which has banned photos of flag-draped coffins coming home (even though the Bush campaign uses flag draped corpses
at Ground Zero in its political commercials)
. President Bush has also refused to attend funerals
of the fallen in Iraq. Moore argues that the movie needs to be seen by the widest possible audience to give the public a glimpse of the reality of war. All told, between the start of war on March 19, 2003 and June 16, 2004, 952 coalition forces were killed, including 836 U.S. military. For more on the hidden cost of war, read this summary
by the Institute for Policy Studies."
Posted by William Andrus at Friday, June 25, 2004 0 comments
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Another Friend: Danny Huang
I recently talked to Danny Huang yesterday on the IM, he is a friend from SUNYIT that went to the Navy in engineering. He sent me some pics which I will put some on the Pictures page. He is doing well maybe I might be able to convince him to see me in Long Beach, CA sometime since there is a navy shipyard base there. You might have seen his name before, he already has put some pictures there. He also sent me a MPG film of his ship target practicing.
Posted by William Andrus at Thursday, June 24, 2004 0 comments
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Posted by William Andrus at Wednesday, June 23, 2004 0 comments
Monday, June 21, 2004
My MP3s
My MP3s
Added a new very cool feature to my website, its called a radio blog. Basically its my mp3s put into flash and played through a player. Very simple, mad that I never thought of it first.
I wish I can convert my window media files over to mp3 and update the list to newer songs that I have.
Posted by William Andrus at Monday, June 21, 2004 0 comments
Sunday, June 20, 2004
RA Unions
Ok I have been pissed off with the current actions of my bosses recently as some might have noticed. I have read the following link on RA Unions and I believe it has some valid points of discussion on how to deal with the situations.
RA Unions
I agree that making a RA Union would be going to far, and that there are other ways of exploring and working things out.
"The RA role is critical to the successful operation of university housing operations, and it should be recognized that RAs are on the front lines. The demands are unique and challenging. It is imperative to recognize the value of this position, as well as to maintain open lines of communication about the job. If changes need to be made to enhance the RA position, to attract quality candidates, or to better equip RAs to do their job, steps should be taken in that direction."
My demands would be:
1) All paid positions in the residential life office during normal office hours and mail room clerks should be first offer to the Resident Advisors on first come basis. Only afterward when no other positions are left or no other Resident Advisor wants a job only then offering the job to other students should be offered.
2) A contract with our responsibilities, and duties should be presented to the Resident Advisors once a year. For the new staff members joining mid-semester would then get a new contract also for 1 semester. There should be a duplicate copy for the administrationon and one for the Resident Advisors to obtain. Any changes that the administrationon would like to add to the contract can be added once a year before summer training begins, and must be presented in a early manner so that the staff is fully aware of the future changes.
3) The administrationon should look into improving the RA package that is suitable and reasonable as soon as possible. This would hopefully increase the quality of potential applicants to the Resident Advisor position.
4) The concept of series programs should be allowed again for the Resident Advisors to use as their 3 programs per month, and be counted as such per event. The amount of planning and setting up of a weekly program still takes a large amount of time. This concept would increase the amount of programs, and residents that show up to the program. The amount of residents that show up to a constant weekly program has only shown to improve attendance over time, and to be very cost effective. The average amount of attendance has clearly decrease compared to the previous year when series programs were allowed.
5) Protecting the needs of the Resident Advisors should be taken strongly care of and given respect. These needs may include all or the majority of the following: shelter, food, security, sleep, health, family, religion, positive reinforcement, study time, class time and respect.
6) An equal behavior to all Resident Advisors should be highly considered at all times, except in special considerations of experience, sex, etc..
Posted by William Andrus at Sunday, June 20, 2004 0 comments
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Yet Another Boring Weekend (YABW)
Some people rented movies: Along Came Polly and Pirates of the Caribbean. Along Came Polly was alright I guess nothing special, I don't know if it is even worth renting. Pirates of the Caribbean I saw probably for the 5th or 6th time, still good just hate watching movie I seen already over & over again within the same year.
I bought 3 movies from Hollywood video (3 for $25): Master & Commander, Last Samurai, and School of Rock. I was happy just to find three movies I liked. :)
I'm still working on my thesis paper, re-reading about Monte Carlo Methods making sure my thesis is correct, I might be adding a little in that section of my paper though. The Temporal Difference section was shorter and easier to read then I thought. That is the next section I have to thoroughly write on. After that I will probably write a MC version and a TD version of a Tic-Tack-Toe game. It would have been easier to write up a blackjack game to show these methods off instead, but o well.
I hopefully am done before Aug. 8 or I will have to pay for an additional 1 credit again. I am starting to worry about money, because I know moving to California is not going to be cheap, and I will need to get a new vehicle once I'm out there. I will also need to get a map of L.A. and Long Beach since I will probably get lost. Got way to much to think about right now.
1) Thesis
2) Presentation Material
3) Clothes for the presentation?
4) Packing
5) Travel
6) Money
7) Sell Car
8) Buy New Car
9) etc..............(And a lot more) :(
Posted by William Andrus at Saturday, June 19, 2004 0 comments
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Part III: No Respect for the R.A.
The first thing you learn about being an RA is the lack of respect you get from the students, other offices on campus and your bosses.
They teach the RAs in training that you are now part of the college staff, and that you will have to follow and enforce the college’s rules and regulations even if you might disagree with them. The RAs on this campus are basically treated as the lowest class of citizens; we are given all the mundane work that no one else wants to do.
We have to work at all hours of the days, especially when we are on duty. This of course is obviously in the job description. We end up with 3am calls for lockouts, and stupid questions like “can we borrow the pool balls”, then at 9am in the morning we get calls from the other offices looking for our bosses. The thing is our boss is usually late to work, while we are not supposed to be late. She lives right above her office so its not like it’s a traffic issue or something to get to work. There is sometimes the excuse that she “forgot to un-forward the phones”, so basically she is blind in the morning and has trouble doing something that should become a repetition. Now getting back to the all hours of the day wakeup calls from students. We were basically, been told not to call our own bosses at these early morning situations unless it’s a death or rape situation. The excuse they gave us, this is the funny part, “We work all the time 24hrs a day for 5 days a week (huh?!?!?!? - what a lie) and we need our break from res-life”. The truths about their hours are maybe 9am – 4pm for the weekdays where they are in the office for maybe 4hrs of that max. . They use the excuse that they are in meetings all day.
--RA Schedules--
The RA schedule is always full, this past semester I hardly ever talked to my roommates, because I was always busy and only taking two classes. I would get up every weekday at 10am and not be back home until 12 Midnight. The reasons are classes, lunch, dinner, meetings, 1-2 hours of study time/ homework time, 1hr of work, and RA programs. This is not including RA duty, which can happen 1-2 times a week. Now I’m not whining here, I can accept a full schedule, but our bosses don’t respect that we got other things to do. The give us extra work to do, which is also part of the job and I’m not here to complain about this either, where we got to go around to our residents and get signatures stating that they moved in, signatures on their room damage sheets, signatures on their fire/health safety report, and signatures if they might want to stay over any breaks that might be coming up.
Here is the problem, they think us RAs have all the time in the world, and that we only spend 15minutes setting up programs and running them. It actually takes about 15 minutes just to think of an idea and fill out the necessary paper work to request money, then about 1 hour to buy the materials or setup reservation, 1-2 hours to make advertisements and post them in every building, another 20 minutes to setup for these programs, about 3 hours to run the program, another 30 minutes of clean up and then finally 5 minutes to do a program evaluation. That’s about 7 hours out of our time to do a program, where we have to do this 3 times a month for 3 months. Now we do get our room paid and 50 dollars for each semester to spend only on food. That’s about $2350 dollars we get back in our pocket. We have been requesting for a better RA package for years (obvious reason for the decline in RA applicants). Other schools give their RAs a stipend position about $2000, free room and free meals. The excuse they give us is either one of the following:
“We can’t afford to give a better package” – I can understand this one.
“It’s all because of 911, we are in a budget crisis” – They used this one for 3 years straight.
“The budget hasn’t been past in the state congress yet this year, we are in a budge crisis” – This happens every year and we are probably given about the same amount of money every year.
“Enrollment is down this year, we are in a budget crisis” – They say this at the end of every year, HELLO we haven’t had an orientation yet, how do we know this stuff before hand?
--Decisions Decisions--
Now we are not police, but we have to enforce the school’s policy with almost no authority. So a lot of the time we have to go on our best judgment of what is breaking a rule, it’s a small fine line. The most common incident on this campus is loud music. When do us RAs decide that something is to loud? Well it depends on each RA tolerance of the music and how loud it is. If someone played loud country music out their window, I would probably be over there in 5 seconds, but playing Alt. Rock I might wait 2 hours to say something. Now if we do end up writing someone up for the loud music you would hope that your bosses would back us up and support our decision. This is obviously not the case, if anything we get reprimanded for doing our job. So when this incident happens again or something totally different the students give us little or no attention to what we say since they know they will not get in trouble or they might be sent a piece of paper stating what they did was wrong (a slap on the hand).
--Unwritten Rules No One Tells Us About--
Even if we don’t break the rules some RAs still get in trouble. On this campus the ability to play beer-pong at one time was legal. One day during fire inspections of one of the RAs suite, they find a table that is used for beer pong. The RA who lives in this suite got fired even though the table was not his and it was perfectly legal according to the student handbook. Fast-forward to the next year when a new student handbook came about and they finally add one line to the alcohol policy stating that drinking games are not allowed to be played. Now us RAs were forced to go around and enforce this new rule with hatred coming from every student, and the reason that given was: “We believe that drinking games peer-pressure people into drinking”. Well Duh, but it still doesn’t mean they still have to drink, and most drinking games I have played don’t even get me drunk.
--RA of the Year--
Once a year there is an event called “Spring Formal”, where rewards are also given out. One of these rewards is the RA of the Year. Us RAs assume that these awards are given out to RAs that have done their job and beyond, at least that is what is told to us. Well we are all wrong and stupid in believing that, it’s a popularity contest with the bosses. It goes to the one whom tattles on their fellow RAs, or is close buddy with the bosses. One RA who has been here since the dinosaurs, just kidding KJ, has never once won this prestige reward, many students know him, talk to him and believe he is the best RA here at SUNYIT. This person has won every other possible RA award and the made up ones, but has never been allowed to win the ass kisser of the year award, I mean the RA of the year award.
--Being Watched All The Time--
The other offices on this campus love to spread rumors about us RAs being slackers, not doing our jobs, etc. They like to think that we have it easy in res-life and treat us like the black sheep of the family. We are highly underpaid, overworked, tired students who have to walk around and do everything with perfections in our grades, actions, and programs. We are constantly ridiculed that there are no programs on campus, which is obviously not true. We can’t make mistakes dealing with money, must react quickly and appropriate to non-important and important situations, all while we are suppose to show that we are a model student.
So I here writing this long report on how poorly we are treated in the past, which is nothing compared to how we been treated the summer so far (4 weeks into the summer). I have been working for res-life now for 4 years, and been doing the mail service a majority of that time. This job was once a 2-hour per day job for 5 days with a decent pay probably around 6.50/hour. During the past semesters this job was dropped to 1 hour per day for 5 days with my pay probably around 5.15/hour. While they have been decreasing my time and pay, they have also increase my job criteria. I had to go around and deliver phone books to every suite (about 100), go through every newspaper (about 100 daily) and tear off the names in the corner, and post a flyer on every suite door stating how the newspapers are dealt with (even though I put several up in the mailroom the week before). I still have to maintain the mailroom, deliver mail to every box, forward mail, update the forwarding list every semester, and other boring mail clerk duties.
--A Surprise Twist--
I have been an RA over the past 4 summers now, and I know what a summer RA has to do. (duty, programs, orientations, etc.) This summer they didn’t even tell me that they weren’t going to hire me to do the mail. I had to find out on my last paycheck that they weren’t going to pay me anymore. The excuse given to me by the secretary: “We don’t have the budget to hire Temp Service over the summer” (another budget crisis?, HA).
Instead I am supposed to do it for free, because now every RA over the summer has to do 8 hrs of work in the office. This leaves us with no time to have a job since we got to work in the office during the day, evening and night. I don’t know any job that that is flexible for us RAs to be able to get paid elsewhere. Essentially I and other RAs have no or little income for food, while working for free.
--Here it comes the punch below the belt--
Then it is rumor that they hired a temp service worker full time up in Mohawk, (odds are this rumor is true heard from multiple sources) and she is living up there with air conditioning suite all by herself. They are trying to keep it a secret, but being an RA we catch on quickly.
It not like I don’t mind doing the job, but they treat us like they are doing us a favor of giving us all this extra, unnecessary work meanwhile without a thank-you, monetary pay, or special treats (like lunch). Then they go behind our backs and treat other people with more respect by giving them a job versus their own RAs whom have more experiences of doing mail and handling special conferences.
Posted by William Andrus at Wednesday, June 16, 2004 0 comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
SUNYIT Part II: Money and Power (The two evils depts. on this campus)
Being an RA at this school for 3 years plus has shown me how money is squander so easily at this school. One of the first things you notice is that all the money goes to only two departments, Admissions and Athletics.
Admissions some how gets the money first because their reason is "We recruit the students". They end up with brand new furniture that is leather, nice desk lamps, new carpeting, new computers (almost every year), have 3 full time administrators plus advisors for freshmen, and international students, and two full time secretaries. Now here is the problem,
1. Enrollment at this college is getting worst every year. An example of this was this previous orientation. Only 25 students, and this year's setup was the worst ever.
2. Admission only recruits people, after that they want nothing to do with the students.
The admission department on this campus is given to much power. My previous boss was fired because she got on the bad side of admissions on day. She stated that they wanted us RA's to do a job that has nothing to do with our job, I forgot what the job was but it was some ridiculous request. Once her contract was up the school just happens not to reinstate it, basically telling her she is fired.
Athletics is another weird department on this campus that is given way to much power. At one time the game room was a nice location, then athletics comes in takes over the room and moves the game room to a crappy, sweat sock smelling room like dungeon with no ventilation or windows. All the equipment in the game room has deteriorated to almost no use. Meanwhile athletics was given money to put new equipment in the old game room.
Some how the athletics dept. has convince the administration at this school that they are some how important, and that they "recruit students". The thing is our sports here are terrible we have a losing record in every sport except basketball. The school is small and no one shows up to any of the games, taking aside basketball. I have no clue how someone falls for that line.
In the past few years the school has decided to become a four-year school instead of an upper graduate only school. That is a good move, however the path that has been chosen is totally idiotic. We need to expand this school's on campus housing, get more academic buildings and a larger dining hall. There is no way the school will be able to survive on only admitting less then one hundred freshmen a year, especially since they need to stay on campus for the first year or two.
Now guess what the first building to be built is? You might have guessed it, a new athletic complex, with an indoor soccer field and hockey rink. Hockey??? We don't even have a hockey team yet. So while SUNY tries to spend a multi-million dollar project on athletics, we are stuck here with no development in the important areas.
Then there is the process of hiring. When the school was hiring a new hall director, a new director, and a new coach, guess who was given more attention. The coach had 8 people interview him from different depts. on this campus, while the hall director had only 3 people, and the director had none.
Posted by William Andrus at Tuesday, June 15, 2004 0 comments
Karthik Rajaraman
Well I just heard from Karthik today via email. He and his wife, Savitha, have moved to Parramatta,Australia (near Sydney). He has gotten a new job as a network analyst for a American insurance company called RGA (Reinsurance Group of America). He says that his manager is in Canada permanently, so he will be managing everything there for all the offices in Syndney, Malaysia, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and HongKong. He says he does a lot of traveling to these countries, and should be coming back here to the U.S. soon for some traveling also.
Posted by William Andrus at Tuesday, June 15, 2004 0 comments
Monday, June 14, 2004
SUNYIT Part I: In The Beginning (The first year was the best year)
Ok, SUNYIT is not a very well known school especially in the southern part of New York where I went to school. The only reason I went to this school is because of the price of tuition was cheap and there was on campus housing. I have always commuted to school and have never had the on-campus experience. These are the main two reasons I decided SUNYIT as my school to transfer to.
The campus was actually social at one time; it's hard to believe that by looking at it now (will discuss this in the later and in the other series). Drinking was allowed outside where the alcohol just had to be in a plastic cup. There were I say on average about 15 students outside everyday in each quad. The parties on this campus happen every weekend starting on Thursday. Now for some this might be weird, but here at SUNYIT at one point classes were only Monday through Thursday. So Thursday was a large party day after classes got out everybody will start drinking and hanging out then at 10pm head down to the bowling alley (SUNYIT student are allowed to bowl for free on Thurs. Nights) and get more drunk.
There was also a place at one time on this campus where people could have hanged out. It was called the "Game Room"; the place was kept up to shape. It had 2 free billiard tables with pool sticks, chalk, and a bridge. These tables were in nice shape. There were also a foos ball table, and a ping-pong table. The place had seating and a surround sound stereo system. On average there would be about 10-20 students in this room (I'm guessing on the dimension here) 20 feet x 50 feet, with a window to lookout into the campus center.
In the beginning of school, I remember the tour up to Mohawk (the nicer residence hall) how they had air conditioning, cupboards, nice looking furniture, microwave/fridge combo, new carpet, clean white walls, nicely cut grass, etc. The place looked real nice and beautiful.
I started my work-study at residence life office. It was an interesting, and I learn a lot about what many students don't know they can get, if only they ask.
I didn't join any clubs or extracurricular activities for the first two semesters, since I have had a bad experience of going to another college (that is over priced) and just had to much on my plate to get my grades up and live a normal life. I decided to take it easy for the first year.
After a few months of easy grades, I met some nice friends in the game room that also liked to play a lot and have fun every weekend bowling, drinking and going to clubs. Here a short bio on them from 3 years ago:
Karthik Rajaraman - An Indian (the country) graduate student in telecommunication.
Steve Burgess - A big tall white bald guy who loved to drink and meet girls.
Alex Calbaras (probably misspelled) - A long hair black guy who loved to meet girls.
Eli DeJesus - A short Hispanic who loved to meet girls.
While I been a student for the first year I have never meet any of my RAs, problems were non-existent I think they wanted a social atmosphere here on the campus.
At the end of the school year I have applied to become a Resident Advisor (R.A.), and was accepted. I also asked to stay on for the summer to help out. At this point my GPA was about 3.77 and my bosses who were in Res-Life were changing to different position at SUNYIT.
Jeff Schneider - Hall Director -> Athletics & Alumni
John Borner - Director of Res. Life -> Director of Campus Life
Cathie Hills(part-time grad position) - Asst. Hall Director
It was time for Res. Life to hire replacements.
Bonnie Borrowman Key - Hall Director of Res-Life.
Cathie Hills - (only one who stayed on for transition) Asst Hall director for Adirondack Hall
Mandy Miller - (also a part time grad position) Asst Hall Director for Mohawk Hall
The Asst. Hall Director is given special rooms on campus with air-conditioning, stove, refrigerator, etc.
This ends part I, stay tune for part II
Posted by William Andrus at Monday, June 14, 2004 1 comments
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Well my friend from Elmira, NY came up this weekend to hand in some papers into the school. We rented Paycheck and Eurotrip, these were good movies even though I know the critics didn't like Paycheck. Eurotrip is just like the movie road trip, just as funny to watch, and more nudity (good and bad). Paycheck was a good thriller that lasted throughout the whole movie.
We also went to watch Harry Potter 3. I like the Harry Potter movies since it's a nice escape from reality.
I have also been asked to do reviews for Xbox games for 4gbg, so that should be a little hobby. It's a website that a bunch of us old gamers & ex-STGC members are putting together.
Posted by William Andrus at Sunday, June 13, 2004 0 comments
Monday, June 07, 2004 > Geek Girl, Musician, Student, Cam Girl > Geek Girl, Musician, Student, Cam Girl
Here is a interesting site, a nice looking smart women with a nice singing voice. You can listen to the music, most of it is not bad, she could improve a little on the vocals by being a little stronger. In my opinon she is holding back, and all she needs to do is let loose a little more. Electric music is not my style of music, but I still enjoy some of the songs.
Posted by William Andrus at Monday, June 07, 2004 0 comments
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Sitefeed & blogbot
Ok I have added a sitefeed which allows for people to either view my site in a newsreader or to be used on other sites. To test this aspect out I tried blogbot from the above link.
It installs itself in the broswer, which allows for easy access, and you can view if there are updates very easily by the number next to the feed name.
So to set up I had to add a new feed and enter the following:
Title: William Andrus
Posted by William Andrus at Saturday, June 05, 2004 0 comments
Website Look Changes
I have been updating my website's color scheme, and updating the links. I have changed the title of every page also to a text type title that uses css giving it a 3D look, hoping that page load time will lower a few seconds. The code I have been using is:
<table width="80%" align="center"
float:center;"><tr><td style="font-weight:italic;
<p align="center">
CSS Code</p>
I might be changing the color scheme slightly little more.
Posted by William Andrus at Saturday, June 05, 2004 0 comments
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
I want a Hybrid Car
I think the supply of hybrid cars should increase. When a vehicle can get 55mpg, everyone should probably think about one. Especially with gas prices around $2.15/gal and higher.
Hybrid Cars. Great starting point for hybrid research.
A great show on PBS called Scientific American Frontiers with Alan Alda (the funny guy from M.A.S.H) showed a good show of different types of cars from hybrid cars to hydrogen cars.
Scientific American Frontiers show on Future Car
Hydrogen, IMO, is the future but the near future is probably the hybrid cars.
Also, I heard that the gas prices are suppose to reach $3.00/gal sometime over the summer hike.
Posted by William Andrus at Tuesday, June 01, 2004 0 comments