Friday, March 31, 2006

How To: Debunk Junk Science

One of my favorite things to do, when I'm bored and it's 4am in the morning is to watch infomericals. I love watching the fake excitment and the lies that spew forth from the tv. I play this little game, called catch the lie. Once I see one lie, then I feel happy to know that the informericial is all bull shit.

Well here is a list of reasons not to believe junk science from

1. The discoverer pitches the claim directly to the media.
2. The discoverer says that a powerful establishment is trying to suppress his or her work.
3. The scientific effect involved is always at the very limit of detection.
4. Evidence for a discovery is anecdotal.
5. The discoverer says a belief is credible because it has endured for centuries.
6. The discoverer has worked in isolation.
7. The discoverer must propose new laws of nature to explain an observation.

Now this list doesn't go into the other informercials like exercise bikes and food making products.

Exercise equipment: Well my friend's mom use too buy all those exercise equipment seen on tv, shes an arobic exerciser. We would try this stuff out, most of the time the product is made out of cheap plastic and would probably fall apart if I used it everyday for a week. A good rule of thumb, don't buy any equipment you see on tv, for at least 1 year, by then it would probably be gone and something new, usually an improvment on the old would be out. They always try to tell you that you can take a normal exercise routine and throw it out the door, because this can get the job done in 15 minutes, LOL. Of course, anybody who doesn't work out, if they just take 15minutes a day to work out would improve slightly. My best workouts I've done at the gym would take 1-1 1/2 hours, because I would work multiple groups, targeting them. The best way to know that you are working a muscle is to target it, not work all of them. If you can't spend the time, don't expect great results, but working out 15 minutes a day, can aleast burn off that candy bar or soda you had for lunch. 100 calories in 15 minutes per day would result in 36,500 which is approx. 10lbs a year.

Food making products: Why in the hell would you want a product that only makes one thing? Common, Grill Cheese sandwich makers? WTF??!!!! Most of the time all you need is a pan to do this work, here is a hint how: TURN DOWN THE HEAT. Most people don't know how to cook, because they turn the heat up to high. It's not fast food!!! Second thing to look at is, how often would you use it? How often do you use your george foreman grill? My best bet it is just on your kitchen counter, collecting dust. Cheap Products are the next thing to look at, because products are small and cute on tv, is not a good reason to get it. Most of the time, these things are cheap plastic that falls apart after a few months. Cute = cheap most of the time.

Well there is my rant on informercials. :)

Monday, March 27, 2006

Cool: Disco Bar

You should see this, unless you're my dad then don't because you'll probably end up wanting it. It cost about $750 for the guy to make it, dang. I'm always amazed how people can just spend that much cash, I hope I could someday.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Atheists identified as America’s most distrusted minority

I always find it funny when people say, us, atheists are less trusting because we don't follow a religion. If anything we are more morally justified, then any religous person on earth. Religion is based on old beliefs which supports salavery, killing, beating your wife and children, and other unmoral beliefs in today's society. As time changes some old beliefs are found to be unmoral and unjust.

We, Atheist, are more morally just, because we see life as not infinite, but finite. We understand how precious life is, while someone believing in GOD has less care what they do on earth as long as they get into some utopia type state, like heaven.
Anybody with common sense would know that uptopia is not reachable. What about racist, sexist, etc... people who follow the bible, but do all they can to stop others they don't like from sucess. Is there a place in heaven for them? I can't stand country music, what if I am in heaven next to somebody who loves listening to country music. Of course this is off subject, because nobody really knows what it would be like up there, now do they?

We, Athesit, believe that people should have freedom, and anything that takes away another person's life or freedom is the worst aspect possible. Unlike religous people, we think for ourselves. We don't follow beliefs blindly set forth from more then a millenium ago. We challenge and question everything, we use logic and common sense to figure things out for the common good of society.

I personally would never want to harm another person's life, culture, etc.. I know that if you take away from a group of people, like the poor, then it would end up getting back to you. I'm not talking about karama, but everybody is connected somehow. If we, the people, try to ignore a fact like there is a very large group of americans living on less then $15,000/ year and basic living expenses rise every year, THEN it is only logic that some people would die, or result to stealing to survive. Everything in life in connected and has an effect. People interconnecting with each other is one giant Dynamical System.

Now in their study they said that atheist make up 3%, which I think is either a lie or very wrong. I would go as boldly say that about 1 in 3 people that I have meet are atheist. Either they are truthful to themselves and say they don't believe in god, they are agnostic and don't care either way, they only follow religion to be on the "safe side" (very stupid) even though they don't believe in god, or they lie to themselves and try very hard to try to believe.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Lego Aircraft Carrier

Hey, I still love legos, I believe it's the best toy on the market for children. It allows them to use their imagination in developing and building things. You also have to learn to improvise, since you don't have every piece.

It's not gender specific. Heck if more girls had legos when they were small, even if all they built was lego doll houses, I would bet they would be better at mathematics and engineering.

The best way to learn, in my opinon, is through progressive learning. You learn from your mistakes and you also end up exploring. It is basically a double edge sword, you end up learning one way or the other.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Keypad Test

How fast can you go?

First time through I got 110.

I of course, I'm one of those weird rare gamers that use the numpad and mouse instead of the traditional wasdx buttons on the keyboard.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


So this is like friendster and myspace. It is growing and changing alot with new improvements. I still can't figure out the music player yet, but I put up my links, pictures, and comedy pages.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

William Andrus in Japanese

So here is a stab at what my name would be in japanese, assuming I get it right and the pronouncations correct:

In romiji: wi ri a mu
pronounced as ( wee-lee-ah-mu )

In romiji: je - mu su
pronounced as ( jay (short pause) moo sue )

In romiji: a n do ra tsu
pronounced as ( ahn doe rah tsu )

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What country should you be living in?

Which country should you REALLY be living in?

The United Kingdom

You have pride in yourself and pride in your country. You believe that history and culture is an important factor to the future of your country, and that traditions and values should be upheld. You love your scones and tea, and reading soppy romance novels. The UK is where you should be...

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

How To: Make prison alcohol

By the sounds of it, neither option is worth trying out in the real world.

Funny: Man Dates Women on Internet for 6 Months... But when they met, he found out it was his mother!

I know my pychology was right, bascially every man looks for what seems to be the perfect women based on the women in his life when growing up. Of course this just took it a little to far. LOL

Monday, March 06, 2006

How To: Flame Thrower Exaust Pipe

I always thought these looked cool, but I would be afraid of burning somone's legs off while driving around.

Hack: Fedex Kinko's Smart Cards

Video of it happening:

I've always found it funny how a company denys their faults. I hope, at least, they fix this problem.

How to: Peel a potato (Japanese style?)

I'm not a big of the potato, even though I'm part Irish, but this is an interesting way of peeling.