Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Interesting: 50-State Economic Freedom Ranking

Source: http://taxprof.typepad.com/taxprof_blog/2006/05/50state_economi.html

So California, and New York are at the bottom, while Colorado is at the top. The thing is, California and New York are a better market place. I don't know if this actually has any weight on how a state is sucessful in economics. Personally, I think economic people are usually idiots who don't know shit, and are clueless about their jobs. Anyway, when it comes to economics, I would say I kinda take the side of the republicans, a little. Free open markets are great in spawning sucess, as long as there are guildlines to protect the workers, which isn't a republican thing. I, however, totally disagree with government interfering to much into business. In other work, I don't like when the gov't pays Fortune 500 companies, with large tax breaks and incentives. Heck, if most people didn't have to pay any taxes, we would be all happier also. My question is though, if these companies do collect taxes, but don't pay them back to the state and/or country, then don't we, the people, deserve to get our money back?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Funny: Hate to read this resume

Source: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2006-05/20/content_595970.htm

Student drafts 100-page resume(China Daily)Updated: 2006-05-20 11:29

A student from the University of Yangzhou has spent 100 days producing a 100,000-word resume, Yangtze Evening News reported.
Duan started writing the resume in January and spent two or three hours every day on it till late April. The resume included Duan's work and study experiences during the past four years, as well as his personal opinions on society and life.
Duan was confident that his 100-page resume would attract human resources managers' interest.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Good: ABC's TV shows have been seen 3 million times

I'm glad that television stations have started showing some good content on their website now. So if you missed the last episode of Lost you can view it online. ABC isn't the only channel that lets you watch other shows online. Comedy Central has been doing this for years, and Cartoon Network lets you view the upcoming week's show every late friday. This helps free up time for me, when I know nothing else is on, I can watch my shows and get more done.

A few years ago, the idea that television content being broadcast over the internet was a pipe dream, now it's reality and is working great for us people who can't be glued to the television every second. Hope other stations catch on. :)

Resource: http://ca.today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=technologyNews&storyID=2006-05-18T195403Z_01_N18317321_RTRIDST_0_TECH-MEDIA-DISNEY-ABC-COL.XML&archived=False

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Cool: Wii tennis

So, there has been a lot of news and enthusiasm about Nintendo's Wii product, especially with E3. Well here is video showing off their tennis game.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Weird: 3D Body Modifications

Every new generation has always freaked out the pervious generations somehow. This was done with music, politics, tatoos, piercings,etc... So, I always wonder what would be the "thing" that might be too far, and putting me in that old category. Well, this defiently is very close to it:

Body Modifications
Putting implants under the skin to change the shape of it. For example:

(I choose this one, because -- well -- I'm a guy)


Monday, May 01, 2006

Interesting: Net Neutrality FYI Video


For thoughs of you not informed on the net neutrality issue, here is a video explaining it.