Tuesday, July 05, 2005


My dads computer has recently blown, with some big sparks of eletricity. So I might not be updating the blog as much as I want for the next 2 weeks.

My dad has also just informed me that he has gotten the position in Colorado. Which means, that I have about 2 months to find a job out there. Hope everything works out to be better then now. With the air force base and Lockheed Martin, I should be able to find a entry level programming position, just need to get some clearence. This might be good in the long run, I could end up back in Utica, NY someday if I stay on this path. About time that happens, I should have a better paying position, better living aranagements, and be closer to my old friends and old school. But that is only a long path potential future.

Other than that, I haven't been doing much. Just watching anime and stuff.

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