Thursday, April 20, 2006

Interesting: Machiavelli Test

The Machiavelli personality test has a range of 0-100
Your Machiavelli score is: 66
You are a high Mach, you endorse Machiavelli's opinions.
Most people fall somewhere in the middle, but there's a significant minority at either extreme.

Take the test:

I'm just suprised that I'm am even that close to his views. Oh-well, I knew I had some great evil thoughts in my head.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Interesting: Trying to get a refund on a video game...

It's an interesting read, and brings up a good point. If the software is flawed, to where it is not usable, then you should be in the right to get your money back. It's the stores fault for not keeping up with the times, and not considering these possibilities. I'm glad he won the battle, unfortunately that war is not over for others.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Funny: Taco Town Tacos

The skit was funny, but I would have never dared to make and/or eat it.

Cool: The 3 Variable Funny Test

So here are my results:
the Prankster
(38% dark, 30% spontaneous, 15% vulgar)
your humor style:

Your humor has an intellectual, even conceptual slant to it. You're not pretentious, but you're not into what some would call 'low humor' either. You'll laugh at a good dirty joke, but you definitely prefer something clever to something moist.

You probably like well-thought-out pranks and/or spoofs and it's highly likely you've tried one of these things yourself. In a lot of ways, yours is the most entertaining type of humor because it's smart without being mean-spirited.

PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Conan O'Brian - Ashton Kutcher

Friday, April 14, 2006

Cool: South Park

Well, of course Comedy Central banned the image, for some strange reason. America isn't Europe, people here are more civilalized (smirks).

Well I was watching Fox News, well actually I was clicking through the channels and saw that they were talking about South Park's non-airing of the prohet Muhammad. This christan, dumbass, was on there saying that it is hypocritical that they can make fun of christians, but not of scientology and muslim. I then thought, this guy is an idiot, and doesn't know what he is talking about. They ridcule scientology, anyone who knows why Chef is died (now alive), knows that.

He then also said that people should give respect to religions like christianity, islam, etc.. I think that is just total bullshit, oh it's ok for these communities to make fun, and be violent of gays, atheists, etc.., but when the tables are turn, they try to play the "Christian's Bashing" card. They think that everyone is after chrisitans or something, but it is the other way around. It is just a few of us, that actually stick up with what we believe, and don't take that religion bullshit of how our lives should be run.

Then I almost started laughing when the guy said, Chrisitans believe that people should have freedom to do as they please. So the guy just counterdicted himself on tv, and anyone who isn't christian can clearly see that this isn't true. Chrisitianity tries to control people by using a imaginary creature called GOD.

I believe that Trey and Matt are correct, and if you aren't allowed to show the stupidity of religion, then people think it is alright. I think that Matt and Trey should get a website and put the whole episode up for people to view if they want. I don't know if comedy central, has the whole rights or not. I want to see the episode uncut, maybe they can some how accidently leak the episode and knowing the internet would spread like wild fire.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

How To: Make your own macro lens

So basically you have two lenses one is used to reverse the other, then you just extend the len's distance.

Here is a pic that used 4 lens extension:

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Cool: Oragami

These oragami(s) are very nice, should check this out.