Thursday, September 01, 2005


Yesterday was my last day at Mercury Insurance Group. They gave me a chess game, to subsitute for the Ghetto Chess I made with pennys, and paper. They also gave me a Laker t-shirt and a Kobe Bryant Jersey, since I'm going to Colorado. I find that very humuorous.

I have my resume on Dice and Monster. Got only a few calls so far. Two of them are real interesting and would like to have them. One is a Software Test Technican, and the other is a constulting group that makes Tax Software. The Tax Software one, would require me to move from state to state for about 1-3 years. Sounds real cool. Gives me a chance to travel, if I get that job. She called me, but requires 2-5 years experience. Why she called me is my question.

The movers are here today packing things up. Should take all-day.

This is probably one of my last days on this blog, until I get to the new home. :(
Hopefuly not to long.

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