Sunday, December 18, 2005

Why Stores ask for you phone number....

"Because a phone number often can be used to look up a customer's address, stores say it helps them send special offers through the mail or tailor those offers to a customer's prior purchases. Many stores have signs explaining such a policy near checkout counters. Such signs commonly add that the stores don't share their customer information with third parties."

This is getting sick, I hate having my information of what I buy and when out there for companies to exploit. It starts with getting discounts at super markets, with them little tags. I don't mind getting coupons, just send it out to everybody, like you have been doing in the past. I will from now on try to use misleading information. Write down a wrong address and spell my name wrong on those stupid applications. It's not like they check up on you, and you will be able to get your discounts still at the super market. I should memorize the Better Business Bureau 's number and use that if I have to give a phone number out.

"'Not only that, you can also get an e-mail address' through data enhancement, Hoofnagle added. 'So getting the phone number opens you up not just to getting phone calls, but to spam.'"

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