Monday, June 13, 2005

Support the Freedom to Read Amendment

Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act jeopardizes our civil liberties by severely expanding the scope of materials the FBI can access with a warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court. In short, the FBI can demand bookstores and libraries to hand over all lists of all of their patrons and what books they've purchased or borrowed. It also prevents bookstore owners and librarians from telling patrons they're being watched or searched. Far from being theoretical possibilities, these powers are already being used.

The Freedom to Read Amendment would prohibit the Department of Justice from using any money in its budget to search a library or bookseller using the wide-sweeping powers granted under Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act. The amendment would restore and protect the privacy and First Amendment rights of library and bookstore patrons which were in place before the USA PATRIOT Act. Passage of this amendment would still allow the FBI to use all constitutionally sanctioned means to obtain warrants and criminal subpoenas to access library and bookstore records pertinent to investigations related to terrorism or criminal acts.

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