Monday, January 23, 2006

How To: Shinny Ball of Mud


So this is cool, don't know if it works, and don't plan on trying it anytime soon.

"How to Make Shiny Dorodango

Pack some mud into your hand, and squeeze out the water while forming a sphere.
Add some dry dirt to the outside and continue to gently shape the mud into a sphere.
When the mass dries, pack it solid with your hands, and rub the surface until a smooth film begins to appear.
Rub your hands against the ground, patting and rubbing the fine, powdery dirt onto the sphere. Continue this for two hours.
Seal the ball in a plastic bag for three or four hours. Upon removing the sphere, repeat step 4, and then once again seal the sphere in a plastic bag.
Remove the ball from the bag, and if it is no longer wet, polish it with a cloth until it shines."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Will, its Danny. I'm in the middle of the ocean right now... when I get back on land... guess what I'm gonna try!