Monday, March 17, 2008

IE 8 dilemma "Backward Compatibility vs. Web Standards"

An interesting read from Joel Spolsky's blog 'Joel on Software', I think he hit the nail on the head about the new IE 8. The tough decision Microsoft has to make on "backward compatibility vs. web standards" is damning to Microsoft.

I been beta testing the new browser and reporting any errors I come across, except for web sites that are not correctly displayed anymore, as I will explain. (Ex: Google Maps)

I categorize myself as an "idealist" (according to Joel), I think that IE should "treat all sites that claim to be 'standards-compliant' as if they have been designed for and tested with IE8". In another word, if a site is broken, then they should fix it themselves, and leave the new IE as clean as possible.

Even though I'm an "idealist", I do have my heart out to the "realist" who believe there should be some way of applying backward compatibility.

Joel's prediction on what is going to happen is probably true, but I like to add one addition. I think this beta version might last a lot longer then what most believe. This will end up hurting Microsoft in the beginning, but it is necessary to get IE back on the right track.

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