Sunday, July 18, 2004

Not much happening

Worked on my program of the Monte Carlo Tic-Tac-Toe, been having problems and fixing them. Right now my problem is that the program is not exploring enough. It reaches only 1000+ states and stops exploring. I would like it to reach 4000 - 6000 states when it is learning. I figure I'll work on this some more and start making the TD(0) next then Dynamic Programming last. I figure the DP will probably end up to be the best, even though the other two methods are an improvement on DP.
I have to go visit my advisor this Monday, and  get my car. I will try to finish a section on TD-lambda hopefully this Sunday afternoon.  Got about 3 weeks to get my shit together and still have to worry about also.
I will also need to get my paper proof read and fixed to the CS standard for publication after all that. I probably won't make the 8/8/04 deadline and will pay $400 for 1 credit hour extension. That will mean I will have to return during christmas break, if I have a job, and present my thesis then.

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