Friday, November 12, 2004

Social Grid

So I was watching the Screen Savers and heard them talking about Social Grid, so what the heck I filled out all the information to be searchable by Google for social networking. Check out the website: Click Here:

You put these weird numbers onto your website somewhere, and when google finds this stuff and enters it into a searchable database this allows the company to use google to search for what ever you want.

An example of this is the google search of this:
+GD2 +gtAG20 +ltAG33+EL3 +SM1
which is actually a search for:
age: 20-33, female, looking for male, Some College, smoking-never

the way they have it set up is confusing, first I did something like:
age: 20-33, male, looking for female, Some college, smoking-never

and it would only come up with guys looking for females, so obviously I just had to switch it.

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