Friday, January 07, 2005

Less money for education in Cali thanks to the Govenator

"ARNOLD TERMINATES FUNDING: California students had better work on their bodybuilding physiques, because they're about to have the state's busted budget hoisted onto their shoulders. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced plans to gut spending on K-12 education and community colleges by $2.2 billion (,0,3554091,print.story) when he presents his budget Monday, the Los Angeles Times reports. Schwarzenegger also will weaken a proposition which guaranteed funds for education even when the state faces serious fiscal woes, meaning '[s]chools, like all other programs, would endure large, unanticipated reductions if the state budget falls out of balance.' California's Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell "called the spending proposals 'devastating' and education groups immediately began mobilizing to fight the governor.'"

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