Saturday, January 22, 2005

Poltics: Religous Right vs. Sponge Bob Square Pants?


"Alas, five years after Jerry Falwell threw down the gauntlet and demanded Tinky Winky stop "damaging...the moral lives of children," ( a new threat to America's youth has risen. "Does anybody here know SpongeBob?" James Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, asked members of Congress and fellow conservatives at a black-tie dinner on Tuesday. Conservative culture warriors say SpongeBob Squarepants, the popular children's cartoon character, has been enlisted in a "pro-homosexual video" that seeks to " indoctrinate children to accept homosexuality ( ." The video maker's lawyer says the critics "need medication." The New York Times reports that the movie, which will be distributed to public and private elementary schools nationwide through a partnership with FedEx, doesn't even mention sexual identity ( , though there is a music video to teach children about multiculturalism."

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