Thursday, February 03, 2005

Politics: Bush vs. Gangs

"Now we need to focus on giving young people, especially young men in our cities, better options than apathy, or gangs, or jail. Tonight I propose a three-year initiative to help organizations keep young people out of gangs." -- President Bush, 2/2/05 (


The White House has "proposed a 40 percent cut in federal juvenile justice and delinquency prevention funding, which supports anti-gang programs in communities across the country. That's on top of a 44 percent overall reduction in delinquency-fighting and anti-gang funds since 2002." -- Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, 6/1/04 (

I done enough of these Bush versus things to learn how he thinks.

First - cut some program.
Second - Issues of problem will come up from lack of funding.
Third - Promise to do something about it.
Fourth - Give only a fraction of the funding cut back into the program.
Fifth - Tell the press, so you seem like a hero.
Sixth - Have your republican spin machine go to work.
Seventh - Start deceiving idiots.

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